Below are a collection of news, social media and piarliamentary as the progress of Gizmo's legacy gathered pace.
Read a letter of Gizmo's story and how we got from her tragic death to changing the law, leaving behind an indelible legacy.
Read a letter of Gizmo's story and how we got from her tragic death to changing the law, leaving behind an indelible legacy.
Our stories.
Read some our stories from Gizmo's Facebook group.
A poor cat had been thrown in the bin but the reason they threw this baby away is because they called Manchester Council to tell them they had found a deceased cat and the response was…..
“We don’t collect cats, they are VERMIN. Put it in a black bag in the bin””
So all you owners with cats missing in under the Manchester Council, this will most likely be the reason.
We’ve called this vile council out before for refusing to collect cats and years later, they have progressed to calling our cats “VERMIN”
Luckily our volunteer Nicola Jayne Brown went bin diving and rescued him.
STOP calling these councils. They don’t care.
Make a post and send to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL stating clearly where the cat is, take pics and hide if possible, so council can’t get their grubby hands on them.
RIP little one.
Jorge went out to play on March 30th and somehow ended up in an RTA on the highway…
On the morning he failed to return home his mummy had a sinking feeling but tried to stay positive.
She did all the right things, posting on social media.
Jorge was microchipped and neutered so if the worst had happened his owner expected to hear from someone.
Un be known to his owner, Jorge had been involved in an RTA on the M61 and was collected by highways the same day.
When his owner received a message on Facebook a few days later, that a cat had been seen that morning on the motorway she called highways to be told the cat was ginger.
The owner obviously now didn’t think the cat could be hers. She was then told there was a report of a brown cat being collected. She was told they had scanned but no chip found. She was asked to send photos to them. They confirmed it was Jorge.
Her partner was allowed to collect his body and relayed back to us there were lots of cats and dogs held in the freezer. Never being reunited with their owners and disposed of.
Jorge and his owner were lucky to be reunited so they had closure.
So let’s break this down……..
Highways don’t have the first idea how to scan because this baby will NOT have been the only baby in that freezer with a chip. Peoblem is, they have no idea how to scan.
This means countless owners will be looking in this area but their babies are already gone.
GIZMOS LEGACY are going to be making a video for all councils and highways to teach them all, once #GizmosLaw comes in very soon.
Secondly they have no idea about colours, this is why PICTURES are so important.
When the law comes in all councils will have to send pictures to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL or show them on their websites.
Thirdly all those poor babies lying in the freezer could have been reunited if they were made to make picture posts on social media sites. Instead they end up thrown away.
So for all the abuse we receive, day in day out, OUR way is the best way.
Trust me we would have found Jorges chip straight away and reunited him with his devastated owner
RIP Jorge
This gorgeous boy is Fluffy. Fluffy went out to play on 7th January and was unfortunately involved in an RTA. A lady called the council and they were seen removing Fluffy from the road. Fluffys owner was informed the council had her baby and she called them. They returned her call denying any knowledge of her cat. Obviously there was a witness to the removal, so calls kept being made and the lady at the council, they had the misfortune of speaking to, even hung up on them several times. Finally today a man called back, that’s 5 whole days after Fluffy was collected and they admitted they had the owners baby. Fluffy is now finally home where he belongs. This is Rhondda Cynon Taf Council they had the cat 5 whole days. They should have scanned on day one. So for anyone who believes Wales scan, it’s all nonsense and unless Fluffys owner has kept pushing he probably would never have been returned home. So think of how many chipped babies don’t get home…….
I’ve just been called out by someone who witnessed some scumbag hit this gorgeous boy Pilsworth Rd on purpose. I raced over to collect him and Lucy to race over to “Vets Now Pet Emergency Hospital Manchester where they are trying so hard to save his life. He has no chip and not neutered but definitely well loved and very clean. This baby has been blinking at me and Lucy while we talked to him. I so hope he makes it.
Well I’m so shocked after my earlier Facebok post regarding a Cat being run over. I contacted Kirklees to dispose of the body. To be told that because I’d wrapped it in a towel and removed it from the middle of the road and from view round the corner at the end of my drive, that I was advised due to it being now on private land they couldn’t now collect it and gave me the advise to put it in a black bag and place it in my grey bin and when I said I’d put it back on the pavement so it was back on public land for collection he implied I shouldn’t do that has the telephone call was being recorded and I suppose I’d be prosecuted! What a joke, if this is Kirklees council!
BiBi went walk about almost a year ago.
She was being fed by two ladies since last year and one of the ladies made a post asking if anyone recognised her. GIZMOS LEGACY 2 were called out to scan her today and our fabulous volunteer Jade McCann set off with her scanner and the good news is this little one was chipped and able to be reunited with her grateful owner after 11 months.
#teamgizmo is not only about deceased cats. We help with live and injured cats as well.
Another happy ending.
Gringo WAS chipped. Last Tuesday he was involved in an RTA in Bolton. Unfortunately the council collected him, so we all know that means bad news.
BUT.....we still asked the owners to follow what Bolton Council misleadingly say on their website and contact where they say they take all little ones. Of course Gringo was not taken there, just as we expected. They spent all day yesterday trying to chase up where their little one was and couldn’t believe the lack of empathy from the woman on the phone at the Council,who never even bothered to call them back. Nothing logged anywhere. No one knowing anything.
So GIZMOS LEGACY 2 decided to investigate further and we found out there was a place in Bolton they might be taking little ones to. So off Wendy Cassie Andrew went this morning and found out this place was shut down a while ago and now they are taken and disposed of straight away somewhere else.
So firstly the website is feeding false information and this poor boy can’t be found now
Until #GizmosLaw is finally through Parliament with James Daly MP we implore you all to ignore fake news that councils scan as it’s absolute nonsense as we keep proving time and again and instead make posts and send to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL where we will send a volunteer to collect and scan the cat. Make sure to hide the little one and make it clear where we are to collect from.
Meet Kimi. This morning this poor baby was involved in an RTA and just left in the road. Not one driver bothered to move his little body out the road.
GIZMOS LEGACY 2 were called out to retrieve and the fabulous
Nicola Jayne Brown collected his broken body and scanned him and found a chip. His owners clearly devastated.
If one person had bothered to just move him to the side of the road it would have made such a difference to the reunite with his family. Shame on them all.
The council would not even have bothered to scan his little body to find his chip, so we are so glad we were called out.
We ask you to send posts directly to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL of any deceased cats you find. Move the cat to a safe place where they are hidden from council workers.
Any cats you see that are hit by cars but run off send posts to CATS INVOLVED IN RTAs WHO SURVIVE PLEASE REPORT HERE
Yet again a massive thank you to all our amazing volunteers throughout the UK working 24-7, 365 days a year to get these little ones home.
Please read this post and for those naive enough to believe the rubbish shared, that councils scan and treat your babies with respect, let GIZMOS LEGACY 2 who are pro-active 24-7, 365 days a year, collecting and reuniting deceased cats tell you what really goes on day in day out to our fur babies.
Yesterday we were informed of a cat found deceased near a school. The school unfortunately called the council and before we had chance to get to the little one the little one had been taken away.
We were informed the little one had a blue collar on and from this the potential owner contacted us to help get her baby back.
Now the amazing Liz Costigan had to do what she does best......
Two full days of phone calls to the council office where they didn’t know where the cat was, only that one cat was logged to be collected from a school.
That wasn’t going to stop her. After getting no satisfaction she headed down to where she believed the little one might have been taken and when she asked if they had a cat brought in yesterday, she was informed the cat was in a bag, NOT even a proper bag, just a black bin liner, in a box and left where all the trucks park up!!
Not even in a freezer where he should have been placed!
This is North Tyneside Council and believe me when I tell you it’s NOT just them. This is common of most councils and is going to be until James Daly MP brings #GizmosLaw into force.
No best practice will ever work. Best practice is WORST practice when it comes to councils and deceased pets. Only a LAW will work for our pets.
Council workers sit behind their desks when you call and say “yes we scan” NO they don’t. The street workers are the only honest people you can speak to. They admit where our little one’s go. Luckily we at Gizmos have many working with us now all over the UK who are happy to hand over the cats to us.
So until it’s law they scan, DO NOT call the council, make a post and send to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL We will get a volunteer to you.
This baby was Tigga and we have to thank Liz and every other volunteer that keep going above and beyond to keep rescuing these little ones.
Today yet again another of our amazing volunteers Wendy Cassie Andrew was called to an RTA. She did what nobody else bothered to do!!!.........
She then did what the council definitely would NEVER have done if they had been called to such a damaged baby. She checked for a chip and found one. The council would have just thrown this baby straight in landfill, that’s if they would have bothered collecting at all.
Now call me a pain for keep harbouring on about asking you to just place a deceased cat at the side of the road so they don’t get any more damage but think of how much kinder it would be when we are handing back to the owner.
We are not telling you to report the cars that hit the cat or worse still, wish harm on that person, as we see in comments on Facebook, accidents happen. There is no law to report a cat and there are no plans to make it law. So for anyone putting registration plates on fb, that’s just wrong!!
Instead share the posts of any deceased cats to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL or any cats you see run off injured after an RTA report to CATS INVOLVED IN RTAs WHO SURVIVE PLEASE REPORT HERE
Please remember we are always here at GIZMOS LEGACY 2 to help you all, we have thousands of volunteers now all over the UK and if you want to sign up to join us you are more than welcome.
Piper has just been reunited by one of our brand new GIZMOS LEGACY 2 volunteers Natalie Merry out on her first mission for #teamgizmo.
It all started when Liz Costigan was contacted on Facebook about Piper hanging around the finders home for the last couple of days and Liz arranged for Natalie to head out to the address to scan and see if she could find a chip. Not only was she chipped, she was registered as “missing”. Missing since December 23rd.
The excitement when getting hold of Pipers owners was unbelievable. They truly thought she had passed away and were absolutely ecstatic to hear she was safe and well.
Natalie was also absolutely over the moon to be handing back Piper to her owners.
Another amazing accomplishment for #GizmosLegacy.
Welcome home Piper and well done Natalie.
For anyone thinking about joining #teamgizmo we have a volunteer post on DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL where you can sign up. It’s so rewarding.
So this evening yet another story of how becoming a volunteer for GIZMOS LEGACY 2 can throw you straight in at the deep end.....
We received a message off Teresa Webb to let us know her scanner had arrived safely and we were happily explaining how everything worked when she let slip on one of her local groups there was a deceased cat but maybe as she had never collected one before she would go for the next one that came up. Ermmm No.... No time like the present.....before Teresa had time to give a definitive no, she had me in her ear, saying I’m at the end of the phone if she needed anything but we needed to get the little one safe.
What an absolute star, she managed to collect her first little one, who unfortunately wasn’t in the best way. We chatted away and tomorrow the little one will be resting where they deserve to be at the vets.
I think the moto of this story is there’s no time like the present. Thank you Teresa on behalf of everyone behind the scenes at #GizmosLegacy we thank each and every volunteer who races out day in day out for us to get these babies safe.
Remember to keep sending any posts you find of any deceased cats on Facebook through to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL so we can get a volunteer out to them ASAP.
I would also like to say a massive thank you to my team behind the scenes. Who work tirelessly 24-7, 365 a year. My heroes all of you.
This morning GIZMOS LEGACY 2 were called to a deceased cat in Whitefield. After driving up and down the road the cat was nowhere to be seen so I decided to ask the council workers who were sweeping up the leaves on the pavement. They told me the Council van had just taken the cat and had gone. I asked them to get on the phone and ask them to return with the cat as I knew where said cat would end up.
They very kindly obliged and after waiting thirty minutes they returned and handed over the cat. They now have our numbers and any future cats they collect they will contact us to hand over any cats.
The cat was chipped but not registered so the investigations went on.
Over to Vets Now Pet Emergency Hospital where Jessica Burnett
worked out the cat would be registered either with them or one other vets and she was right. Of course she was and now the owner has closure instead of her baby being at the tip. Even if the council had scanned this little one because he was not registered they would never have found the owner so the family would never have known.
The moto of this story is STOP calling the council and call us out.
Send any posts to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL and we can get a volunteer out to the location ASAP. Hide the cat and give us as much info as possible as to where the cat can be found.
What our amazing volunteers deal with day in, day out!!
Do you realise the few seconds it would take you to just move the little one out the road, what a difference it would make when doing a reunite?
Do you realise the council wouldn’t give a stuff if they were called to a little one in this condition? They would leave it and the owner would never have closure.......
BUT then there’s our amazing volunteers who go above and beyond and try and retrieve every last piece of these little ones so they can scan to look for a chip. This baby WAS chipped, as are most we find in this condition.
Now take a moment to try imagine how we explain they can’t view their little one because their baby was so disrespected.
Don’t get me wrong, we don’t want you calling the police out if you hit a cat or playing vigilantes taking peoples number plates if you see someone hit a cat. THERE IS NO LAW TO STOP & REPORT IF YOU HIT A CAT & THERE WON’T BE. But show these babies and their owners some respect by just placing them out of traffics way and call GIZMOS LEGACY 2 by sending a post to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL ASAP. Any cats you see hit that run away send the post to CATS INVOLVED IN RTAs WHO SURVIVE PLEASE REPORT HERE
Just remember one day this could be YOUR baby so share this post to try and get the message through to the general public
Sunny was involved in an RTA in Middleton.
I contacted his owner to find out he was stolen from where he lives, in Blackburn 5 weeks ago. Some builders working on the house next door took him.
He was taken to a completely different area and his collar was changed.
Tonight he died in a strange area he never knew and luckily his details were all upto date, so I could reunite him with his owners.
I’ve just handed him over after the owner drove from Blackburn to collect him.
STOP lifting cats. You have no idea of the hurt and distress you cause families.
Yes he was chipped and neutered before anyone asks.
So sorry this happened to you Sunny
GIZMOS LEGACY were alerted to a cat on the M65, just before junction 13.
We’re blocked from all the groups that way but luckily people always inform us about them.
People had called highways to attend but I knew they wouldn’t bother, as I’ve been out to this motorway to collect before.
I asked Lydia to come with me as my navigational skills are on a par with my cooking skills.
We headed out after rush hour and I grabbed the little one who was on the edge of the hard shoulder. Easy enough to grab.
He was badly damaged but I tried to find a chip, unfortunately he was very badly damaged so the chip could have fallen out onto the live lanes.
This little one was another fur baby just left, which is becoming quite a pattern on our highways.
He might have had a horrific end but he was treated with dignity at the end.
Let’s hope we can find his family because they deserve closure.
Had highways bothered to collect his broken body, there’s not a chance they would scan or even inform the appropriate people, as to them they would say he was too damaged.
RIP gorgeous boy.
Just over a month ago, a post was put on Fb stating there was a deceased cat on the M65. I was tagged and commented for someone to send exact location and I would go check it out. For writing that comment I got blocked and I trusted that highways would be collecting. So yesterday evening I was shocked to receive a message saying the cat was still there and highways were not collecting and had closed the case. So last night we met in Burnley and went up and down the motorway a few times to try and locate but no luck due to the time of day. That wasn’t going to stop me…….
This morning we set off before day break, up to Burnley and sat waiting for decent light. We set off, checking out everything lying on the verges. I truly was that driver I so hate being stuck behind but I wasn’t missing this elusive cat.
I finally spotted her and pulled over. I sat and patiently waited until it was safe to grab her.
We got off the M65 and scanned her, “PING” she was chipped. She’s now resting at Vets Now Pet Emergency Hospital Manchester waiting for her owner to collect. I’m disgusted highways failed spectacularly yet again. They have a duty to collect these babies and scan. I don’t believe they would have scanned her because of her condition though.
I’m disgusted at the group that blocked me because I could have had this baby home the day the post was posted, over a month ago, giving her owner closure. RIP baby girl. You’re finally safe and going home.
Today I was alerted to a deceased cat on the M66 motorway. I got the approximate location and set off to Ramsbottom to turn round and head back to Bury. The first run is always to make sure it’s safe to stop and collect. As I got to where the cat was, the highways car was there and I watched him as he placed his spade in the boot of his car. Clearly he didn’t put a cat in his car, so I got off at Bury and headed back to Ramsbottom to turn around again.
I stopped on the hard shoulder where he had been parked and I looked for the cat. Couldn’t see anything but as I set off I noticed something close by but it was too late to stop again. I rang highways and said I had witnessed the highways guy at the scene and asked why he never took the cat and where had he put it. He said he had bagged the cat and left it for the maintenance team to collect whenever, I did get the exact location though and said I was going back. I got the usual phone call back to tell me that they couldn’t give me permission to go back but couldn’t stop me. I said I would be safe and had my high viz jacket on.
For the third time I drove to Ramsbottom to turn around and found where the baby was. What surprised me was he was in a normal black bin liner and not a coloured bag that should be used. No note on for the maintenance team to log details.
He wasn’t chipped, so I am so glad I got him as he would have been disposed of. He’s now resting at Vets Now Pet Emergency Hospital Manchester while we look for his family. I definitely am not suggesting people start collecting on motorways. RIP gorgeous boy
Today I was called out to a fur baby in Heywood and when I retrieved her the council road sweeper I need to share with you another story of just how above & beyond our amazing team of volunteers are willing to go at GIZMOS LEGACY 2.
Tonight we were informed about a poor baby washed up with the tide at Roker Sunderland. Without hesitation our wonderful
Amy Newman set off from Durham to Sunderland half an hours drive to get to the little one before the tide took the baby back out to sea.
A very kind member of the public had managed to move the little one to a ramp but by the time Amy arrived there was only a foot between the cat and the water again.
The little one obviously wasn’t in a good way but is now safe and will be treated with the dignity they deserve.
What I need everyone to understand when they feel the need to call us for sharing pictures to get babies home, is the pictures we share on DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL are pictures that show no disrespect to the fur baby and no disrespect to any owner, hence why we only ever gets thanks for reuniting from pics. NEVER ONCE HAS AN OWNER EVER COMPLAINED.
What you don’t ever see are the images we are left with from many of the babies we are called out to, yet we still retrieve these babies bodies however much they may privately affect us all.
We ask everyone starts to be more compassionate and understanding of why we use pictures and just takes a moment to think of what we are actually doing, day in day out 365 days a year, before choosing to make rude comments on posts.
The best thing you can do is share our posts because we now get home nearly all these babies so we’re clearly doing something right.
It will be easier still once James Daly MP gets #GizmosLaw through but until then #teamwork and a massive THANK YOU to each and everyone of our volunteers working tirelessly for these babies.
I have to share with you all how hard our volunteers at GIZMOS LEGACY 2 work to make sure every cat they are tagged to are made safe, however hard or impossible the task may seem.
We were alerted to a deceased cat in the Birmingham & Fazeley canal last night and this morning our amazing volunteer Sue Flanagan set off to find and retrieve this little one.
Obviously since last night the little one had moved due to the flow of water but this was not going to deter Sue from finding this little one.
She walked up and down the canal paths in her search and finally spotted the little one trapped deep in brambles and reids. This was going to be one incredibly difficult recovery, needing more hands on board.
Sue went down to the local angling shop for help but unfortunately they were closed. Not one to be beaten she contacted The Canal Trust. Within the hour they were attempting to retrieve this little one. They had to use branch cutters to make access and use fishing nets.
Finally three hours after this baby was spotted and with lots of guts and determination he was finally pulled from the water and is now resting at the vets while we look for his owner.
I’m so proud to have such passionate and determined volunteers on #TeamGizmo all over the UK. Nothing is ever too much for any one of them and I can’t thank them all enough for being one of the most passionate teams I’ve ever come across.
Please remember if you find a deceased cat send posts through to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL and if you see a cat hit that runs away send posts through to CATS INVOLVED IN RTAs WHO SURVIVE PLEASE REPORT HERE
We are within reaching distance now of #GizmosLaw thanks to James Daly MP but we will still never stop doing what we do even when the law goes through.
Our campaign has now been put back to 26th February due to lockdown and sadly that means more cats going to landfill until James Daly MP brings in #GizmosLaw.
This is the second fur baby this week rescued from landfill and is a prime example of what’s happening nationwide, day in, day out.
Little Teddy was unfortunately involved in an RTA in Tameside and before our volunteer could get there the council had collected and were about to throw him into the back of the crusher. Luckily a lady saw what was about to happen and insisted they put the cat down.
Our volunteer Wendy Cassie Andrew then arrived to find the little one who was about to be thrown away like rubbish WAS CHIPPED!!
Little Teddy was able to be reunited with his devastated owners.
We don’t ask anymore, we “BEG” everyone NOT to call the council until the law goes through. How many more chipped babies are already in landfill? We have volunteers the length and breadth of the county so please send posts to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL giving us as much detail as possible and hide the little one so council cannot get their hands on them.
Even if they are not chipped we can use pictures to get babies home.
This gorgeous boy Lucky was involved in an RTA on December 10th and before any of our volunteers could get to his body North Tyneside Council had collected him and rather than just accept he was gone our amazing GIZMOS LEGACY 2 volunteer Liz Costigan set out on a mission to find exactly where they take these little ones and how she could retrieve his little body to return to his distraught owners.
After lots of ringing round yesterday Liz met with the council and she was able to claim back little Lucky. The council admit they do not log, they do not bag and identify and after longs talks with Liz, they have now agreed to work alongside Gizmos Legacy.
So we now have yet another council working alongside us. Proving the “FAKE” news being thrown about these last few years that all councils scan is utter BULLSHIT as we have always known.
Thankfully the incredible James Daly MP has always listened to everything we have ever informed him and that’s why #GizmosLaw will make sure it protects all our pets and councils will be able to fully inform us where they pick up deceased babies from etc.
If Liz has not intervened with Lucky he would have been off to landfill the minute the freezer was full.
We are building up a great rapport now with so many council workers around the UK, who understand the hurt of owners never having closure.
We need everyone to keep showing their support for James Daly MP because it will be him who makes these massive changes that are on the way.
Thank you Liz and thank you to all our volunteers who just keep going above and beyond to make sure families of fur babies like Lucky get the closure they deserve.
I need to share another story with you all about another amazing GIZMOS LEGACY 2 volunteer.
Over the weekend we were informed there was a deceased cat in a very remote area Easington Local Nature Reserve. Our Gizmos Volunteer Amy Newman headed out straight away even though she didn’t have an exact location. Herself and her partner Jon searched and after nearly two hours of searching in the pitch black they finally found the little one.
Straight away Amy realised there was a problem, this cat had a plastic noose around its neck and contacted another Gizmos volunteer Liz Costigan who is also an admin on DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL who contacted me to inform me. I asked Amy to head straight to the vets and insist the RSPCA became involved.
It’s a definite cruelty case and the RSPCA are now dealing with it.
I need to say a massive thank you to every one of Gizmos volunteers because they see things no one should have to ever see. They never ever complain they just carry on. They are MY hero’s.
I need to share with everyone another amazing rescue story of a deceased cat by one of our GIZMOS LEGACY 2 Sue Flanagan.
We were alerted to a deceased cat down by the side of the river Rae, lying on the waters edge with only a 12 foot drop to access the baby.
Sue headed out last night to assess the situation and being too dark to do anything headed back out again first thing this morning.
The fire service couldn’t help but not one to be defeated and one of the most determined women I’ve ever know, Sue remembered she had a friend with a rope. I was now imagining one of our volunteers swinging from a rope needing rescuing herself. BUT, Sue never needed the rope as said friend knew of the area and also that there were some ladders built into the wall.
So Superwoman, I mean Sue, headed off down the steps and crossed the water to make sure this baby never spent one more hour lying by the waters edge but is now safe at vets while the owners are sought.
There are pictures and the video of her retrieval to show you how far #teamgizmo will go for our fur babies.
Well done Sue and thank you, you truly are amazing.
Let me update you on two stories that have happened over the weekend involving our amazing volunteers.
Story 1) a cat found inside a cemetery entwined in a bag handle. We believe the cat had gone inside the cemetery to pass peacefully away and someone tried to cover the cat to give the cat some dignity. GIZMOS LEGACY 2 volunteer Elizabeth Richardson Was May didn’t hesitate to drop everything to go and retrieve and make safe. So now we have chance to find this little ones owner.
Story 2) a cat was found in Bradford and left by the side of a main road under a bush. The finder tried to find someone to go without luck so called the council. On seeing this a new post was made on DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL begging someone to get the cat safe, we didn’t care if you had a scanner, just someone get the cat safe so council couldn’t take little one.
Well what amazing #teamwork. A wonderful member came forward called Ahsiarok Oohtun who drove all the way from Halifax and while she drove over another member who was based in Bradford called Nábż Nêw made sure if the council turned up they would not be taking the cat.
Between the two of them they retrieved the little fur baby and now the little one will rest with dignity at the vets while we look for the owner.
Again the Moto of these stories is send any posts to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL and NEVER call the council.
#GizmosLegacy #GizmosLaw #teamwork
Tonight a very special lady called Eve Tranda sent me a message about a deceased cat she was going to collect. The cat had been left for 2 days by the roadside. This lady had never collected a cat before but off she went and I explained what she should do.
When she arrived the cat was not in a good way and she didn’t feel able to to collect but I gave Eve a call and we chatted on the phone and I talked her through exactly how to move the little one and wrap said little one up in the towel with dignity.
This very amazing lady managed to collect this fur baby.
Let me tell you, it’s never easy even when the little ones just look asleep, so this lady was incredible and we now have a brand new volunteer joining GIZMOS LEGACY 2 and she is claiming the last scanner which was kindly donated to us recently.
If anyone feels they can also join our now massive team of volunteers, we will always be there for you when times are a little delicate.
Please join DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL and comment on our volunteer post. The more volunteers we have around the country the better it is to stop these babies ending up in council hands.
You don’t need a scanner just the heart of an angel.
Thank you again Eve.
Last night we came across a deceased cat post and the cat was going to be buried within a few days. I politely asked for the cat not be buried and taken to the vets, to which the response was, I got blocked.
That just made me and all the admin on DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL & Scouse Pets 2 more determined to get the cat safe. Loads of phone calls late last night and offers of driving over to Liverpool, which wasn’t needed as the ladies had it in hand, the cat today was collected.
The cat WAS CHIPPED. NEVER BURY A CAT. Don’t write posts then block people when they offer help it’s very unhelpful. How many other people around the UK will never have closure because their babies have been buried.
PLEASE everyone I know the pain of never having closure. Gizmo WAS chipped. Coming up to the anniversary of her death this week, I implore you all to save this poster to your phones and share it on EVERY deceased post.
Well done to everyone involved and RIP little one.
We don’t ever put deceased cats on GIZMOS LEGACY 2 but today is an exception.
#GizmosLegacy were informed yesterday about a cat being thrown away at a school. Obviously we were not going to allow this cat to be left in the bin and today our volunteer
Nicola Jayne Brown attended to retrieve the little one to make sure she was treated with the dignity she deserved.
I knew straight away who had told them to dispose of the cat, who turned out to be a young kitten, it was as I expected the RSPCA (England & Wales). We have collected many similar stories over many months telling us how they tell you to double bag and throw in the bin or call the council. James Daly MP is well aware of what they recommend.
The quicker #GizmosLaw comes in the better because I can’t imagine how many beloved pets have been disposed of by innocent people doing exactly what they have been told by these people.
STOP calling the RSPCA, STOP calling the council, share deceased post to DECEASED CATS UK AND IRL and let these little ones have the dignity they deserve.